Stellar Sovereigns V0.89.7 EA Patch

EA 0.89.7 Patch

This patch brings fixes, quality of life improvements additional planet traits and new colonial events. and progress update on the upcoming diplomacy feature.

The Fixes:

Fixed a food import export menu bug, that incorrectly calculated and displayed stock amounts.

Fixed research grants individually applying its bonus to each colony as opposed to to the total research bonus.

Fixed a trade menu issue, where the same trade route was displayed multiple times.

Fixed incompatible save file issue that not allowed valid saves to be loaded.

Fixed incorrect research bonus summary breakdown and updated it with tooltips. 

Updated Research Bonus Summary

I have been playing and testing the import export menus and found that the UI was lacking clarity in regards to the amounts, so I upgraded it to display them using the credit format easier to recognise the higher amounts.

In fixing the issues with food stock amounts, I decided to display stock by the format of Excess/All, and under all the system considers produced + imported, which if is more then what is consumed by the population then that amount displayed by the excess column. 

Updated Import Menu Display

I found this arrangement the most straightforward to interpret and work with so the same principles been applied to the food production summary of the planet management menu.

Updated Food Summary

Since I was on a roll of making things more clear, I changed how excess shipping capacity was displayed.

The new approach works out the quantity needed based of supply and demand, and if it has not got enough displays it as Lacking Capacity or if it has more then it needs then indicates it as Unutilized Capacity. 

Shipping Capacity Tooltip

New Planet Traits

In watching AltRon's playthrough on YouTube I realized that up until now almost all of the planet traits were detrimental. 

So I sprung into action and in the last two days have been working on new planet traits with the sole purpose of creating unique planets that should provide strategic benefits for the player. 

First, I added the Capitol World traits to home worlds providing a random but positive boost to the starter worlds. 

Note that upon capturing enemy worlds this trait will expire. 

Positive Planetary Traits

Beyond the Capitol World trait I created 20+ new traits each with the goal to boost one or more aspects of colonial development. 

Also you may already noticed, that there are 3 new factors been integrated into planet traits:

  • R&D Bonus: Effects colonial research bonus gained.
  • Extraction Rate: Effects colonial resource mining output.
  • Crafting Rate: Effects colonial trade goods crafting rate.

New Planetary Events

Working on the new planet traits gave me an opportunity to add some new events some that comes from the presence of a planet trait and others that been triggered by circumstance. 

A couple of the planet trait relevant events are can provide temporary boost like the Northern Lights from the presence of Aurora Borealis, or Shooting Stars from the Meteor Deposit trait, while some might cause devastation like a Meteor Strike. 

Social events also been added some triggered periodically like State Fairs and Championships, or by circumstance like Inaugural Celebration following the crossing of a colonial milestone. 

These new events should provide positive boosts to offset the mostly negative events associated with previous planet traits balancing the scales.

Diplomacy Progress Update

The work on the diplomacy features is ongoing, mostly focused on the UI and its ways to convey the state of relation between empires. 

Also have implemented some of the diplomatic interactions like the displayed tribute demand action as well as research pact and started working on the trade system between empires. 

But as this new updated clearly shows got side-tracked by planet traits and events. 

So I better get back to track!
Until next time!

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Hy, ich habe da wohl noch einen Bug gefunden. Einen Bericht habe ich auf Discord gesendet und der andere Fehler ist ist in meinem letzten Stream zu sehen. Ich musste den Stream leider dann abrechen

Yo Altron, thanks for the heads up, I was able to replicate the issue, thanks for the save game, will upload a patch as soon as I fix it!

Wirklich sehr schön gemacht und ich freu mich schon darauf den patch zu testen. Ein schönes Osterfest ^^

Danke Kumpel, dir auch! Ich hoffe, Sie werden es genießen!

Das ist ja ein super Osterei ! Danke dafür und relaxe mal ein wenig. Ich finde koloniale Ereignisse super wichtig auch wenn sie sich abnutzen . Geben sie einem doch das Gefühl etwas am Leben der Menschen beteiligt zu sein. Und richtig so was sollte auch positive Effekte hervorrufen. Einzigartige Sachen sind wie kleine perlen welche die Eroberung des Universums noch interessanter werden lassen. Hier noch einige wenige Vorschläge ohne das ich den Patch schon ausprobiert habe.Planeten sollten uns in Zukunft nicht egal sein, wenn wir nicht wie Nomaden durch das Universum ziehen wollen, um dort nur Müllplaneten zurück zu lassen. Vorschlag eins ein Projekt wie Ocean Clean ( existiert bereits) zur Säuberung von terranischen  Welten von Müll im Ozean.(- zyklisch wiederholbar) bringt Zustimmung und einen winzigen Wirtschaftsbonus durch recycelte Industriegüter.Vorschlag 2 Begrünung der Wüste ( existiert ebenfalls im kleineren Rahmen haben China, eine Privatinitiative in Ägybten , Niger, Israel hier erste Erfolge erzielt).Bringt Zustimmung und Wachstum sowie kleiner Landwirtschaftsbonus. Vorschlag drei einizigartige prestige Projekte Naturschutzgebiet/ Botanischer Garten/ Musseum/Begrünte Stadt/ Alien Zoo/ Thermalbad/ Stadt bringt Zustimmung winziger Forschungsbonus . 

Vielen Dank und ein schönes Osterfest weiterhin gutes Gelingen . Ich probiere den Patch demnächst aus.

Danke für die Vorschläge, ich werde daran arbeiten, weitere Ereignisse und Eigenschaften hinzuzufügen. Dir auch frohe Ostern!